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North County Alliance was born out of a simple dream: make high quality select soccer available to families at unbelievably reasonable prices. 

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team placement process

Review our
Tryout Guide


Attend your tryout dates

After evaluation you will be notified on team selection

fully transparent pricing

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2017, 2016 & 2015

A great price of only:​



All-in, full cost, no add-ons


Your club fees cover:

3 summer tournaments

All field cost


Summer Kit

(Jerseys, Shorts, Backpack, Socks, Training kit, Slides)


*3-month Payment Plans & Scholarships Available

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A price more than 50% less than other clubs.

No fine print!​



All-in, full cost, no add-ons- NONE


Your club fees cover:

All summer tournaments

All fall & spring league play

All field cost, All ref cost, All coach cost

State Cup Tournament


Full Kit


*9-month Payment Plans & Scholarships Available

why is north county alliance such a good deal?

It's true. North County Alliance is a great deal!


In fact: the expected cost for the year is approximately half of what you will find with most other clubs.



We save money three simple ways:


1. While our coaches are excellent, none of them are paid. Their kids just get to play soccer for a lower price.

2. Our program doesn't own any real estate.

3. We make choices with our families in mind.


If we can provide a top notch experience and don't have to charge our families more money, we wont. 


There are no additional fees outside of what is listed on this page.


Our kits are on a two year cycle.  This means that you will not have to purchase the entire package again each year.  You will only need to replace what is worn out or grown out. The 2024-2025 season is the first year in our kit cycle.  

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